Show-off for the tenth time, online for the first time
16. June 2021Go for it and sign up” With this slogan, the Centre for
Language Education of the Faculty of Humanities
invited both UTB students and high school students to
the 10th annual Show-off, a presentation skills
competition in English. The contestants, whose number
this year even exceeded that of previous years, gave the
jury a challenging task and, in the final on March 24,
2021, delivered excellent performances via MS TEAMS.
The jury included not only academic teachers and
students, but also representatives of the university’s
partners. Even the jury chairpersons admitted that
making a decision was difficult, but after a moment of
suspense, we finally found out who ranked among the
top three. The winners received valuable prizes from the
main partners Cambridge (language exam), Eta (party
loudspeakers), ExxonMobil (work shadowing with a
company manager, ExxonMobil Open Day and 1 night
at the Marriott). All participants received a number of
valuable prizes – bombers, sweatshirts, T-shirts from
UTB, books, guidebooks, Doller diaries, gifts from
Oxalis, Greiner, Styroprofile or an invitation to coffee
from CoffeeExpress. A nice scholarship was also waiting
for the university students.
UTB Categories
1. R. Blessy Pricilla Centre of Polymer Systems
2. Katarína Ištvánová Faculty of Management and
3. Monika Svobodová Faculty of Management and