Techniques for Enhancing Pupil and Student Motivation in Learning Process
6. March 2023On Monday, 7 November 2022, the Faculty of Humanities, under the auspices of the Institute of Educational Sciences, hosted a half-day workshop led by the renowned Czech counselling psychologist and psychotherapist, PhDr. Jan Svoboda. Jan Svoboda is the author of more than 100 journal articles, numerous teaching materials, and significant publications, such as How to Enrich Teaching, Courses (and Oneself), Human Relationships and Their Role in Problem Solving, Psychologically Wounded Children and Intervention Possibilities, The Practice of Long-Term Counselling and Self-Development Groups, and Crisis Situations in Education and Teaching, among others. The workshop was open to academic staff from FHS and other university faculties, as well as to students. The central theme of the workshop focused on techniques for increasing student motivation in teaching. Crisis situations in teaching were discussed, including specific crisis situations from participants’ experiences. A number of techniques for team bonding were presented, the topic of relationships was discussed in depth, as well as fears of social contact. The workshop also focused on self-reflection and self-affirmation, phases of the change process. The workshop’s subtopics served as a strong catalyst for reflection and discussion, with significant potential for deeper practical application. We extend our gratitude to PhDr. Svoboda for accepting the invitation to lead this workshop and for providing such a thought-provoking and inspiring session.