Student Projects at the Institute of School Pedagogy
19. March 2023As part of project-based learning, students in the 4th year of Primary School Teaching Programme developed project proposals aimed at supporting student adaptation to studies and suggested innovations for teaching.
Its purpose is to provide students in the mentioned programme with various advice and tips that can facilitate their studies and help them gain an overview of faculty life. In addition, Helpcentrum assists in promoting the Primary School Teaching Programme and raising awareness of this programme among potential future applicants.
This project is designed for incoming 1st-year students at the Primary School Teaching Programme and consists of a two-day programme. Its goal is to introduce students to the functioning of the university and faculty, student life in Zlín, and their fellow classmates through planned activities. A methodological guide with a promotional leaflet has been created for the project, which will be handed to 3rd-year students at the Primary School Teaching Programme, as they will be organising the introductory days.
HOW AND WHEN TO BRING A STUDENT INTO A SCHOOL? This project focuses on improving the current level of ongoing teaching practices in the first level of Primary School Teaching Programme. Central topics of the project included the timing and location of the practices and their overall organisation within the study programme. The outcome of the project was a set of recommendations based on a survey conducted among students of the relevant study programme, as well as on our own experiences. The recommendations included, for example, organising ongoing practices during free days according to the timetable and in the student’s place of residence, as well as improving communication between the university, the faculty school, and the student.
RESTRUCTURING THE CURRENT CURRICULUM OF THE FIRST LEVEL OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHING SPECIALISATION AT FHS UTB The intention was to create a proposal for a possible future form of the curriculum for the selected specialisation, focusing on its first year of study. The resulting product was a document presenting not only the proposal itself, consisting of syllabi for individual subjects, but also a description of the specific phases of work that led to it. These phases included the organisational, analytical, and comparative phases.
BUFFET – The aim of this project was to establish a refreshment facility in the lobby of the U18 building in the form of a buffet. This would provide a quick dining option, particularly for students and faculty staff who, due to their workload, may not have the opportunity to eat in the canteen. Another motivation was the fact that the canteen menu does not always include meals that meet strict dietary requirements (gluten/lactose allergies). Thus, the buffet’s selection would also target students and staff adhering to these specific diets. As part of the analysis of interest in the buffet, we prepared a short questionnaire for both faculty staff and students. However, the planned questionnaire survey was not carried out due to the project conditions of the building.