Volunteering During the Pandemic
19. February 2021You may have noticed the “Students Fighting the Pandemic on All Fronts” section on the faculty’s website, which grew significantly during the winter semester. Students from all institutes gradually joined the fight against the pandemic. At the very beginning of the pandemic, it was the Institute of Health Sciences and its students who cared for patients, primarily in hospitals and social services. In the field of social services, children’s homes, and care homes for the elderly, students from the Institute of Educational Sciences provided significant support. Students from the Institute of School Pedagogy were a tremendous help in the education of children, teaching and tutoring children in the homes of healthcare workers, allowing them to fully focus on their professions. Additionally, students from this institute worked in nursery and primary schools as well as children’s homes. The Institute of Modern Languages and Literatures also played a part, with its students volunteering at the UTB Crisis Call Centre. Alongside dozens of students across FHS, they assisted the Regional Public Health Authority in Zlín with contact tracing for individuals who tested positive for Covid-19. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all students.
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