Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Assistant Professors

Mgr. Radana Kroutilová Nováková, Ph.D.

Department of Pedagogical Sciences
E-mail: TEL: +420 576 037 304 Office:

Radana Kroutilová Nováková deal with Social Services and Volunteering.


Consulting hours

Thursday 9am - 11am

Curriculum vitae


2020 -2022: Training and educational programme "Supervision in social work", implemented by ASVSP a Občanská poradna Brno, corse scoupe: 380 hours.

2005-2009: Palacky University in Olomouc, Faculty of Education, Anthropology, doctoral studies

2000-2005:  Palacky University in Olomouc, Faculty of Education, Teacher Education in Social and Helath Care for Secondary Schools, Masterś degree

1994-1998: Masaryk Grammar School, Vsetín

Internships and study stays

2023: Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, Internship

2023: Constantine The Philosopher University in Nitra, Nitra, Slovakia, lecturer within the Erasmus programme

2022: Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, lecturer within the Erasmus programme

2011: University of Central Lancashire,  Great Britain, lecturer within the Erasmus programme

2011: Elementary School and Hostel, Mukačevo, Ukraine, Volunteer Internship

2011: The English Language Centre Bristol, Bristol, Great Britain, Language Study Stay

2010: Univerza v Ljublani, Ljublana, Slovenia, lecturer within the Erasmus programme

2009: Piramk University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland, lecturer within the Erasmus programme

2008: Elementary School and Hostel, Mukacevo, Ukraine, Volunteer Internship

2007: Bender Schule Mosbach, Mosbach, Germany, Internship


Process of employment

2009-dosud: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculta of Humanities, Department of pedagogical Science, assistent professors

2008-2009: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculta of Humanities, Department of pedagogical Science, assistent

2005-2008: Private Social-pedagogical  Secondary School, teacher

1999-2000: Secondary Vocational School in Vizovice, instructor

Membership of expert organizations

Member of Psychosocial Crisis Team in Zlín, sinec 2011

Membership of bodies

  • Member of the Academic Senate FHS UTB - since 2022
  • Editorial Board of Social Education, editor -manuscript
  • Member of the Academic Senate FHS UTB (2010 – 2012)

Faculties and departments
