Tomas Bata University in Zlín

PhDr. Hana Včelařová, Ph.D.
Assistant professor

PhDr. Hana Včelařová, Ph.D.

Department of Pedagogical Sciences
E-mail: TEL: +420 576 037 441 Office:

At present, PhDr. Vcelarova, Ph.D. is involved in teaching subjects Developmental Psychology, Social Pathology, Social Psychology, Basics of psychology, Psychological propaedeutics, Bachelor theses seminar, Psychology for teachers, Research and diagnostic methods in school counseling.

In the past year, work on the project “Creativity, Intelligence & Talent for the Zlín Region for 2024.”

During the period May 2022-August 2023, she collaborated as a psychologist on the project Support for gifted and exceptionally gifted pupils – Implementation of the Regional Action Plan for the Development of Education for the Zlín Region II  Reg. project no.: CZ.02.3.68/0.0/0.0/19_078/0018903

Participation in the ADAPT UTB project: Transformation of the UTB in Zlín, reg. no. NPO_UTB_MSMT_16585/2022

In 2017, PhDr. Vcelarova participated in the GAČR project “Analysis of self-regulatory mechanisms of socially excluded pupils”. The main leader of this project is Mgr. Karla Hrbackova, Ph.D.

In the course of 2015-2016, the principal investigator of the project IGA / FHS / 2015/007 – Overweight and obesity of younger school pupils in the context of performance and psychosocial characteristics: possibilities of using knowledge in the work of a social pedagogue. The co-founders of the project were Bc. Martina Hrbackova (2015) and Bc. Hana Frydrychova (2016).


Consulting hours

Monday 16:00-18:00

Curriculum vitae


2022                              Completed Ph.D. studies, FF UP Olomouc, Department of Psychology, subject Educational


2003                                      state rigorous examination, Faculty of Philosophy, UP Olomouc, subject


1991 – 1996                         PF UK, Prague (Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University, Prague,

                                               subject    Psychology

1987 – 1989                      Secondary Pedagogical School, Prague, Czech Republic

1978 – 1981                       Grammar School, Zlín, Czech Republic

Internships and study stays

20.11.2017-1.12.2017 – Faculty of Philosophy, Ss Cyril a Methodius University, Skopje, Makedonie. Lectures and consultations on the topics „The system of school counselling facilities in the Czech Republic: the practice of children´s psychologists in these institutions“, „Excessive, normal and subnormal body weight among the Czech primary and preschool children in the context of performances and psychosocial characteristics“

12.3.2012 -17.3.2012 – University of Central Lancashire, Great Britain: Psychosocial aspects of working with obese children in primary schools in Czech Republic“

6.-10.9.2010 –  Aarhus  in Denmark, Via University College, Department of   

Social Work,  participation on Student´s Conference „Social  Welfare and Health

Services in Czech Republic“ ( September, 2010) 

15.11.2009 -18.11.2009 – one-week stay in House for Elderly in Tilberg, Netherlands 

8.12.2008 – 12.12.2008 – one-week stay in Hospice of St. Elizabeth,  Ľubica – Kežmarok, Slovak Republic 

1.6.2003 – 6.6.2003 – Atlanta Fetal Alcohol Centre, Marcus Institute, USA: „Training program that focuses on neurodevelopmental testing in children“



Process of employment


1981 – 1987            Educator and teacher, Elementary School, Prague, Czech Republic

1987 – 1993            Maternal leave

1995 – 1997            Children psychologist, Ped.-Psychological Advice Centre, Prague 1

1997 – 1999            Children psychologist, Ped.-Psychological Advice Centre, Prague 4

1999                        Prison Psychologist, VS ČR, Prague-Pankrác

1999 – 2001            Children Psychologist, DC Zlín

2001                        Department of Education, Youth and Sport, Regional Authority in Zlín

2002 – 2008            Psychological Advice Centres, children Psychologist, Zlín                                              

2009 – 2014            School psychologist, Elementary School TGM Otrokovice

2008 – this time     Assistant professor, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Humanities,

                              Department of Pedagogical Sciences


Other publications

Včelařová, H., Cakirpaloglu, P., Dostál, D., Hladík, J. (2022). Academic Achievement, School Absence and Self-Concept in Czech Prepubescent Children with Overweight and Obesity. Psychologie a její kontexty, 13(1), 75-93

Včelařová, H., Cakirpaloglu, P. (2019). Coping with biases and other difficult situations in children and adolescents with normal body weight, overweight and obesity. Psychologie a její kontexty, 10 (2).

Včelařová, H., Hrbáčková, K., Hladík, J. (2019). The Interaction among levels of self-regulation and processes of social exclusion. In: ‘Body and Mind’. Proceedings of the PhD Existence Conference 2019. Olomouc: Philosophical Faculty, Palacký University in Olomouc, pp. 97-110. ISBN 978-80-244-5544-o (online: PDF). The article was created within the project GACR 17_048165: The Dynamics of self-regulation of socially excluded pupils. The head of the project Mgr. K. Hrbackova, PhD.

Včelařová, H. a P. Cakirpaloglu (2018). Social behaviour and cognitive performance of overweight preschool children as estimated by parents and nursery-school teachers. Psychologie a její kontexty, 9(1), 3-14.

Včelařová, H. a H. Frydrychová (2017). Academic success in overweight and obese children and adolescents. E-psychologie, 4 (11). Grant  IGA/FHS/2015/007.

Včelařová, H. and M. Bendová (2014). Evaluation of the adolescent children with overweight and obesity by a significant peer group as a part of their normal social reality. Report on a partial results of one research. Psychosom, (1): 34-37.

Včelařová, H., Chráska, M., Martincová, J. and P. Andrysová (2014). Psychosocial aspects of overweight and obesity of early and preschool children in the context of selected socio-demographic indicators in the Czech Republic and some other countries. Social Pedagogy, 2 (2): 9-21.doi: 10.7441 / soced.2014.02.02.01.

Včelařová, H. and M. Bendová (2013). Overweight and obesity in children and adolescents in the UK – current situation and approaches based on psychosocial aspects of the problem. E-psychologie, 7 (2). ISSN 1802-8853.

Včelařová, H. and M. Bendová (2012). Experience with cases of childhood obesity that have been identified as a result of neglect of childcare. Psychologie pro praxi,(1-2): 103-109. ISSN 1803-8670.




Faculties and departments
