Faculty members play a significant role in the implementation of university-wide operational programs, details of which are available on the university website. They primarily engage in activities that are educational in nature and contribute to enhancing the quality of teaching, as well as developing the pedagogical and scientific competencies of educators across the university. We also work to improve the quality of the academic environment at the university, for example, by creating measures in the areas of gender equality and work-life balance for staff. We provide consultancy in areas such as supporting students with specific educational needs, research ethics, and more. Throughout the operational programs, we have conducted and continue to conduct a variety of activities, including educational laboratories, workshops, conferences, individual consultations, and more. We are pleased that our activities contribute to the development of the university environment and believe that this is reflected in the overall quality of our services provided to the public.
University teacher as a facilitator of quality preparation for future nursery and primary level teachers
- Project registration number:
- CZ.02.3.68/0.0/0.0/19_068/0015923
- Implementation period: 1. 1. 2020 – 31. 12. 2022
The FOH TBU in Zlín project is being undertaken from 1. 1. 2020 as part of the Research, Development and Education Operational Programme. The project’s objective is to support the didactic competencies of teaching students at TBU in Zlín in pre-primary and primary education. The means for meeting the project’s objectives are the implementation of educational activities, organisation of student placements, deepening co-operation between students, academics and nursery and primary-level teachers and their involvement in international mobility projects focused on mutual exchange of experience with experts and practitioners abroad.
Laboratory of Natural and Technical Science for Children and Youth
Tomas Bata University has received a financial grant from the Operational Programme of Education for Competitiveness within priority sector 2.3 (Human Resources in Research and Development) for the project “Centre for Support of Natural and Technical Sciences: Laboratory of Natural and Technical Science for Children and Youth in the Zlín Region” (CZ.1.07/2.3.00/45.0015). The project was running from March 2014 to June 2015.