Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Research and Development


Our departments and centres are engaged in various research activities through completing grant projects offered by Czech Science Foundation or by grant projects offered by various ministries of the Czech government. We are proud to support talented students. We motivate them to progress further, e.g. by offering them positions of student’s academic assistance. They can work on student scientific research, participate in various vocational activities and help organize student conferences.

Experts and students at the Faculty of Humanities, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, engage in tailored professional activities designed to help our partners improve or expand their services, enhance organizational environments, increase competitiveness, or improve workplace relationships. These collaborative professional activities are conducted as part of student internships, with their outcomes reflected in students’ final theses. We also undertake contract research. Results are published, with prior agreement from the client, usually in an anonymized and aggregated form.

Examples of our professional activities include:

  • Evaluating client and employee satisfaction within selected organizations;
  • Assessing the knowledge and competencies of specific target groups;
  • Conducting surveys and case studies as a basis for further decision-making and setting up support measures for the development of our partners’ services;
  • Creating and implementing specific educational materials or methodologies;
  • Processing quantitative and qualitative data using modern software;
  • And much more.

Interested parties can contact the faculty management or individual departments. We welcome all collaboration proposals!

Research Topics  Orientation at Faculty of Humanities , TBU in Zlin:

1. Pedagogy

  • Actors, Discourses and Determinants of Non-Formal Adult Education
  • Self-Regulated Learning and Behaviour Depending on Environment
  • Inclusion in the Education of Gifted Pupils
  • Marginalised Population Groups Threatened by Social Exclusion
  • Professionalisation of Teachers at Pre-Primary and Primary School Level
  • Self-Efficacy of Preschool and Primary School Teachers
  • Spiritual Literacy Focused on Pre-Primary and Primary Education
  • Social and Cultural Diversity in Education
  • Effectiveness of the Education Concept for Generation Alpha Children
  • The University Teacher – Education, Career, Practice, Position

2. English and German Philology

  • Emotion in Teaching a Foreign Language
  • Literature of the American South in Thematic and Genre Transmutations
  • Manipulation and Propaganda in the Mass Media: a Critical Discourse and Multimodal Analysis
  • German Literature from Moravia
  • Specialised Language, Interpretation and Translation
  • Regionalism and Identity Construction in the Contemporary South African Novel

3. Non-Medical Healthcare

  • Diagnosis and Treatment in Surgical Oncology
  • Quality of Life in Connection with Health and Disease
  • Supporting Literacy for the Helping Professions
  • Preventive and Follow-up Care
Selected Topics in Science and Research at FHS TBU 2021




Role Vice-Dean for Creative Activities and Doctoral Studies není u zvoleného kontaktu evidována.

Assistant for Creative Activities TEL:+420 576 032 828 E-mail: Office:U18/617A

Faculties and departments
