PhDr. Anna Krátká, Ph.D.
Department of Health Care SciencesGeneral Nurse, focuses on development of personal and professional competencies of students (especially liability), and nurses from practice with aim of humanization of nursing profession. Also focuses on the values and needs of healthy and ill people and education of population (in connection to the Multidisciplinary Approaches in prevention, diagnostics, therapy, nursing and counseling in chronically ill and in oncological patients).
Consulting hours
Monday 8:00 - 9:00, Friday 13:00 - 14:00Curriculum vitae
- 2014: Trenčianska University of A. Dubček in Trenčín, Faculty of Health Care, branch of Nursing, doctor’s degree
- 2005 - 2010: Masaryk University Brno, Faculty of Education, doctoral study program Pedagogy, study branch of Pedagogy
- 1995 - 2000: Palacký University Olomouc, Faculty of Education, branch of Teaching at secondary nursing schools
Internships and study stays
- 2018: CS Caritas Socialis GmbH, CS Hospiz Rennweg, Wien, A, stays
- 2018: ÚVN, Military University Hospital, Prague, CZ, stays
- 2018: Orthopädisches Spital Speising (OSS), Wien, A, stays
- 2015: Klinika Bavaria Kreischa, SRN, stays
- 2015: Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Faculty of Social Sciences and Health Care, SK, lecturer
- 2014: Catholic university in Ruzomberok, Faculty of Health, SK, lecturer
- 2014: Wyźsza Szkola Biznesu i Przedsiebiorczości w Ostrowcu Świetokrzyskim, PL, lecturer
- 2014: Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Faculty of Health, SK, lecturer
- 2013: Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Faculty Health Sciences, PL, lecturer
- 2012: The University of Presov, Faculty of Helath Care, SK, lecturer
- 2012: Tallina Tervishoiu Kőrgkool Tallin Health College, Estonia, lecturer
- 2012: Slaski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach, Wydzyal Zdorowia Publicznego, PL, lecturer
- 2011: Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Faculty of Health, SK, lecturer
- 2009: Catholic university in Ruzomberok, Faculty of Health, SK, lecturer
- 2007: In the project 2006 / GA CR no. 406/07/1248 Sharing and Development of Social Skills of Assisting Staff in the Process of Care for Seniors Participated in Internship in the UK, in London, University London College Hospital. The length of stay 6 days 6 - 11 November, 2007
Process of employment
- 2009 - present: Tomas Bata university in Zlín, Faculty of Humanities, Vice-Dean for Lifelong Learning and Practical Training
- 2005 - present: Tomas Bata university in Zlín, Faculty of Humanities, Senior lecturer (Head of the Department of Nursing 2010 - 2013)
- 2008: NCO NZO Brno (National center of nursing and non-medical health care) training methodologist, member of the examination committee of Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic
- 1995 - 2006: Secondary Medical School and Higher Medical School Zlin, lecturer
Clinical practice
- 2008 - 2010: Tomas Bata Regional Hospital, Zlín - practical teaching methodologies. Certificate of performing medical profession without professional supervision in the field of general nurse (since 2005)
- 2008: NCO NZO Brno, methodologies of education, member of the board of examiners MH CR
- 1985 - 1995: Bata Hospital Zlín, Department of Internal Medicine IPVZ endoscopy - Nurse Specialist
- 1983 - 1985 Bata Hospital Zlín, the nurse at the bedside - Surgery, Department of Internal Medicine
- 1972 - 1978 OÚNZ Gottwaldov, a helper, a porter, a nurse
Membership of expert organizations
- Member of the Czech Nurses Association, member of the Committee of Education
- Member of the College of Nurses with University Education
- Member of the Czech Educational Association
- Member of Ethical Forum of CR
Membership of bodies
- Member of Scientific Council - Catholic University, Faculty of Health Care Ruzomberok
- Membership in Editorial Board of journal Zdravotnícke štúdie
- Membership in Editorial Board of journal Praxe