Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Research and Development

Scientific research at FHS

In our research environment, we welcome innovative ideas while maintaining a strong foundation in traditional, long-term topics that have contributed to most of our successes. We provide individual and flexible support in the form of detailed plan consultations to those interested in conducting scientific research projects of all types and focuses. We require thorough preparation of all research proposals using Data Management Plans. We ensure their ethical implementation with respect to human subjects of our research and adherence to publication ethics guidelines. We promote the sharing of research data based on FAIR principles. We continuously evaluate our research activities and regularly discuss their outcomes with stakeholders. We support research activities that are meaningful in terms of theory and practice. Our goal is to maximize the quality of results and produce outputs that are socially relevant.

Research activities at FHS are oriented mainly towards the following areas: pedagogy, English and German philology, and non-medical health care degree courses. Our departments and centres are also actively involved in different research activities through participating in grant projects.

We are proud to support talented students. We motivate them to further work, e.g. by offering them positions as academic assistants. These students can work on their own scientific research, participate in various research activities and help organize student conferences. After their graduation from pedagogical master’s study programmes, students can continue working on their thesis towards a rigorous examination and receive a PhDr. degree, or they can move on to post-graduate programme and achieve a PhD degree.

Norwegian Funds

The Research Centre of the Faculty of Humanities, together with colleagues from the Arctic University of Norway in Tromso, organised a series of research seminars on the analysis of educational inequalities and lifelong learning in both countries.

The seminars, held in the last week of June at the faculty, focused on analysing findings from joint comparative research as well as sharing good practice in education policy instruments from Nordic countries such as Norway and Finland. The seminars discussed not only the outputs of the joint bilateral project supported by Norwegian funds, but also further cooperation in the coming academic year, which will include comparative research focused on both university students and the issue of spatial inequalities in participation in adult continuing education.
According to Professor Unn-Doris Baecke, the leader of the Norwegian team, the joint research opens the way to an unconventional view of educational phenomena in both Norway and the Czech Republic.
Text: Tomáš Karger

Ellen Boeren

At the end of May, UTB hosted a visit by one of the most prominent scholars in the field of adult education and learning, Professor Ellen Boeren from the University of Glasgow.

The former winner of the Houle Prize for the best publication of the American Association for Adult Education prepared two workshops for the academic community of the Faculty of Humanities: The first, focusing on the current challenges of lifelong learning in Europe, which she presented a few weeks earlier in Brussels to members of the European Commission responsible for setting Europe-wide policy in this area.
The second workshop focused on sharing good practice in writing for top Anglo-American social science journals. In addition, further deepening research cooperation with the Research Centre of the Faculty of Humanities, with which Professor Boeren has been working closely in recent years, was discussed. In particular, planning for joint analyses aimed at comparing international patterns of participation and non-participation of adults in lifelong learning through the latest data from the Adult Education Survey 2022 and the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies 2022 was discussed.
Text: Tomáš Karger

Young Scientists Present Research Results

On 24 May 2024, in the morning at the Faculty of Humanities of Tomas Bata University in Zlín, the third annual Scientific Conference for Students took place.

This event, aimed at the development of talented children from primary schools in the Zlín region, offered the participants the opportunity to try their hand at presenting the results of their research and projects in front of the department.
The presentations took place in three blocks, with breaks in between, which allowed the children to get to know each other, share their experiences and refresh themselves after the challenging performance. Although the participants were very young, incredibly interesting and often challenging. Some of the most interesting presentations from the fields of biology, food science, technology and IT included the International Space Station ISS (complete with VR tour), The Mystery of Black Holes, Nuclear Bombs, Interesting Infinity, Generative Artificial Intelligence, and Industrially Processed Food.
The performances of the 44 entries were judged by a panel of faculty academics. They listened to a total of 33 entries, judging not only the content and elaboration of the presentations, but also the speaking skills and the courage to speak in front of a large audience. After the final presentations, all present gathered again in the auditorium, where the closing ceremony and the awarding of diplomas took place.
“We aimed to provide a platform for the students to showcase the results of their efforts and inspire each other,” said Mgr. Michal Navrátil, the main organizer of the event. “We are delighted that some of the pupils come back to us with a new topic each time and we can watch them improve their presentation skills year after year.
At the same time, new pupils join the conference every year and can definitely keep up with their already experienced peers.”
Text: Hana Polešáková

13th Annual Student Conference of the Department of Educational Sciences

On April 18, 2024, the Department of Educational Sciences FHS UTB in Zlín held a student conference aimed at providing students of the third year of Social Pedagogy in full-time form with a space for the presentation of their bachelor theses.
Students were given the opportunity to try out their thesis defences and to work out any shortcomings before the state examinations.
After the presentation of the participants, the conference was opened with an introductory speech by the Director of the Institute of Educational Sciences doc. Mgr. Jakub Hladík, Ph.D. The plenary session was led by students from the follow-up master’s programme in Social Pedagogy, who presented on their successfully defended bachelor’s theses from previous years.
Bc. Jakub Brhláč gave a presentation on the topic The Use of Experiential Education Programmes in Developing Social Relationships Among Older School-Age Children. Following this, Bc. Pavla Dubská discussed The Adaptation of Children of Foreign Nationals to Nursery School from the Perspective of Nursery Teachers. The session concluded with a presentation by Bc. Natália Juranová on Understanding the Lived Experience of Trans People. The afternoon programme continued in six thematic sections, each chaired by academic staff from the Department of Educational Sciences (ÚPV). In these sessions, students presented their bachelor’s thesis projects on a wide range of topics, including the role of social pedagogues in primary schools, the profession of teaching assistants, leisure education, adaptation programmes and experiential pedagogy, value orientation, primary prevention and mediation in the school environment, classroom climate, social services,
senior adaptation, families exhibiting risk behaviours in children and youth, low-threshold facilities, children’s homes, substance abuse, resocialisation, media and social networks, quality of life, and wellbeing, among others. The topics were then discussed together, and feedback was given to all presenters.

GAČR: A Major Project Success for the Institute of Educational Sciences

The Faculty of Humanities regularly applies for standard grant projects under the Czech Science Foundation (GAČR). At the end of 2023, a project proposal titled Self-regulation of Children’s Digital Behaviour secured GAČR funding.

In recent years, the Faculty of Humanities has achieved considerable success with GAČR projects. For instance, projects supported include Dynamics of Self-regulation among Socially Excluded Pupils (Institute of Educational Sciences) Blind Spots in Non-formal Adult Education in the Czech Republic: Non-participants and Their Social Worlds (Centre for Research), among others. However, increasing demands and stricter criteria for submitted applications are putting growing pressure on project teams and the originality of their proposals. Success rates for submitted proposals decline annually, and in the face of fierce competition, it is becoming increasingly challenging to secure funding.
The successful project proposal from late last year was led by Mgr Karla Hrbáčková, Ph.D., from the Institute of Educational Sciences, supported by a team of four other academic staff members: doc. Jakub Hladík, Ph.D., Mgr. Anna Petr Šafránková, Ph.D., Mgr. Lucie Blaštíková, Ph.D. and Mgr. Julie Junaštíková. The principal investigator, with her extensive experience in scientific and publishing activities, significantly contributed to securing this prestigious project grant.
The aim of the project is to understand the mechanisms behind excessive use of digital technologies and to explain the role self-regulation plays in children’s digital behaviour. Given that up to a quarter of adolescents in the Czech Republic are affected by excessive use of digital technologies, the research results, to be conducted over the next three years, could have a profound impact on re-evaluating programmes and strategies aimed at mitigating unhealthy use of digital technologies.
We wish the research team many fascinating results that will further advance scientific understanding, and we trust this success will be followed by many more for our faculty.
Text: Lucie Cejpek Blaštíková

The Research Centre of the FHS: On Its Way to Joining the Global Elite

Over the past six months, the Research Centre of the Faculty of Humanities in Zlín has made significant progress towards establishing itself among the global leaders in lifelong learning research.

Thanks to intensive international collaboration with the University of Glasgow and the German Institute for Adult Education in Bonn (DIE – Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung), the Research Centre has developed a project for the Horizon Europe grant programme under the Twinning call. Titled WATER: Widening Adult Training and Education Research, this three-year project has the potential to build scientific capacity comparable to leading research centres worldwide.
Additionally, the Centre has submitted a project proposal under the prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Consolidation Grants. Named The New World of Lifelong Learning, This five-year project focuses on innovations in measuring participation in lifelong learning across Europe. It includes an expert team from around the world, including the United States, South Korea, and Australia.
At the beginning of 2024, the Research Centre received support from the Norwegian Funds for a joint project with its partner institution, The Arctic University of Tromsø. This initiative aims to establish the first Norwegian Czech hub for studying educational inequalities within European educational systems. The Centre is also involved in preparing a project for the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council, led by the University of Glasgow, titled Understanding Key Trends in Skills Formation Through Adult Learning and Education. Beyond these initiatives, the Research Centre will lead a collaborative research effort in 2024 across Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic, Sweden, and Germany.
This project focuses on understanding the relationships between the characteristics of national adult education systems.
Furthermore, Associate Professor Jan Kalenda, alongside Professor Richard Desjardins, is co-editing a book for Palgrave Macmillan titled Adult Learning Systems in Context. The publication will feature contributions from members of the Research Centre, further solidifying the Centre’s position within the international academic community.
The Research Centre of the Faculty of Humanities demonstrates its growing influence and significance in the field of lifelong learning research through innovative projects, international collaborations, and contributions to academic literature. These activities not only support the Centre’s research excellence but also contribute to the development of educational systems and policies on a global scale.
Text: Jan Kalenda

Research on Romanesque Literature

Late last year, the Brno-based publishing house Host released an intriguing book titled Globalisation in Literature? The publication is the work of a team of leading Romance studies scholars and their doctoral students from Masaryk University (MUNI), Palacký University Olomouc (UPOL), and Charles University (UK), led by Professor Petr Kyloušek from the Institute of Romance Languages and Literatures at MUNI. One of the contributors to the book is Daniel Sampey from the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures (ÚMJL).

The book examines the issue of globalisation from various perspectives, focusing on literatures written in Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese. It explores the ways in which these literatures and cultures interact with each other, between former colonisers and colonised societies, and with global markets and literary disciplines. The Czech cultural space is not overlooked. In the book’s remarkable “Intermezzo” section, the reception of non-European Romance literatures in the Czech context is explored.
Professor Kyloušek also dedicates attention to the works and themes of the world-renowned novelist Milan Kundera, who passed away last year at the age of 94.
Daniel Sampey, who works at ÚMJL as a lecturer, contributed a chapter titled “Láche pas la patate: French Language Culture in Louisiana.” His chapter focuses on the unique position of French language culture in the United States, shaped by distinctive French Creole influences on the region’s social and legal systems, its vibrant cuisine, and its Cajun and Zydeco music. Sampey also played a key role in translating and editing the English version of the book, which has just been published by the international publisher Brill, based in the Netherlands.
The 783-page collection of essays covers a wide and diverse range of topics and perspectives. It represents a valuable new resource for academics and students engaged not only in the study of Romance literatures but also in social and cultural studies. While indispensable for researchers, the book will also appeal to casual readers interested in the world and the stories of remarkable individuals, communities, and movements that shape it. Both the Czech and English print versions of Globalisation in Literature? will soon be available in the TBU library, with digital PDF copies of both editions already accessible online.
Text: author of the book

Family, Health, Illness

On Friday, 29.9.2023, the international scientific conference Family – Health – Disease took place in Krakow, Poland.

The conference was held under the auspices of Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing and Midwifery, Department of Family and Pediatric Nursing, Medical University of Silesian Piasts in Wroclaw, the Faculty of Health of the Catholic University in Ružomberok (Slovakia) and Faculty of Humanities of the Tomas Bata University in Zlín (Czech Republic).
The Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski University in Krakow hosted academics, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and representatives of other medical professions, humanities, and social professions to present their scientific papers.
The aim of the event was to exchange knowledge and experience related to the care of children and adults in health and illness. The issue of families in palliative care from the perspective of the patient and his/her family was also discussed. The specific topics of the conference were as follows: Care of children and adults in health and illness, Family in the context of health and illness, Palliative care – patient and family perspective, Health, and illness in an interdisciplinary approach.
On behalf of our faculty, several academic staff from the Institute of Health Sciences actively participated in the conference, presenting their papers (Mgr. Dagmar Pilíková, Mgr. Lenka Vrlová, DiS.) and, among others, serving on the scientific committee of the conference (Mgr. Jitka Hůsková, Ph.D., PhDr., Mgr. Pavla Kudlová, Ph.D. and Mgr. Petr Zemánek, Ph.D.).
Text: Andrea Hoffmannová

Scientists’ Night

The central theme of this year’s Night of Scientists, held on 6 October 2023, was Secrets.

The Faculty of Humanities was represented by lecturers from the Language Centre, who prepared an escape game called Exit English Room. The quest for secrets took place in the dark cloakroom of the TBU Rectorate, illuminated only by electric Christmas lights to create a mysterious atmosphere.
Teams of two or more players could book a specific time slot via an online reservation system launched days before the event or register on-site. The Exit Room operated from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., with each team given 20 minutes to solve the mystery.
Most participants were groups of teenagers, though some families joined in, occasionally with a brave parent lending a hand. Inside, players were tasked with solving the enigma of a missing mad linguist, whose current whereabouts had to be deduced from clues he left in his office.
Teams that successfully cracked all the codes were rewarded with backpacks filled with promotional items from the Faculty of Humanities. While the challenge was far from easy, every participant ultimately completed the game successfully. Judging by the teams’ reactions, they thoroughly enjoyed the experience, leaving with both a unique memory and their well-deserved rewards.
Text: Veronika Galačová

Conference on Restorative and Retributive Justice

In the third week of November, during Restorative Justice Week, the Faculty of Humanities hosted the Conference on Restorative and Retributive Justice in collaboration with the Institute of Educational Sciences and the Probation and Mediation Service in Zlín.

The conference tackled compelling and often taboo topics, such as capital punishment, alternative sentencing, probation housing, juveniles in prison, and mothers with children in prison. The event reflected the long-term collaboration between the organising institutions in teaching, student internships, and the future professional prospects of students in the Social Pedagogy programme.
At the very beginning of the event, the distinguished guests who accepted the invitation were introduced. These were, for example, the Director of the Prison and the Prison Service Brno Brig. Gen. Dusan Gac, MBA, Deputy for Probation and Mediation of the Probation and Mediation Service Mgr. Kateřina Šlesingerová, but also other experts in this field, such as Assoc. Mgr. Miroslav Jůzl, Ph.D. and PhDr. Alena Plšková, including prosecutors and a judge of the regional court. The opening remarks were made by the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Technology in Zlín, Mgr. Libor Marek, Ph.D., Director of the Institute of Educational Sciences doc. Mgr. Jakub Hladík, Ph.D., Deputy Minister of Justice Mgr. Karel Dvořák and Director of the Probation and Mediation Service PhDr. Andrea Matoušková. The audience was also greeted by the Rector of UTB prof. Mgr. Milan Adámek, Ph.D., Mayor of the Zlín Region Ing. et Ing. Jiří Korec and the Governor of the Zlín Region Ing. Radim Holiš. The conference continued with a lecture on restorative justice, followed by panel discussions featuring experts from the Czech Prison Service, Probation and Mediation Service, Institute for Restorative Justice, Institute for Criminology and Social Prevention, non-profit organisations, the Zlín Magistrate, and the Otrokovice Municipal Office. Doc. Mgr. Jakub Hladík, Ph.D., Director of the Institute of Educational Sciences, commented: “This conference marks another step in the collaboration between the Institute of Educational Sciences and the Probation and Mediation Service in Zlín. Graduates of the Social Pedagogy programme often encounter issues related to incarceration, probation, mediation, and the reintegration of individuals released from prison. We are therefore very pleased to have brought together experienced and prominent experts at the Faculty of Humanities to present fascinating topics to both students and the professional public.”
Text: Julie Junaštíková

Student Conference of ÚZV

On 28 November 2023, a professional student conference focused on the creation of educational materials for both professional and general audiences took place at the faculty.

The conference was organised by students of healthcare study programmes under the leadership of the Director of the Institute of Health Sciences (ÚZV), Věra Vránová, PhD. Students of healthcare disciplines, together with students from the Graphic Design studio (Faculty of Multimedia Communications), developed materials for patients and professionals as part of the subjects Health Literacy, Pedagogy, and Education in Nursing. The aim of the conference was to allow students to deepen their presentation skills and share the experiences they gained during the development of these materials. A valuable part of the experience was the opportunity to receive feedback from educators and professionals. The best outputs, some of which have already attracted the interest of healthcare institutions, will gradually be refined for potential use.
The conference took place from 12:00 to 15:00 in two sessions. Sponsors of this year’s student conference included T. Bata Regional Hospital, Uherské Hradiště Hospital, Vaše laboratoře s.r.o., and, of course, Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín.
During the first session, projects presented included Scar Care After Caesarean Section, Nurse in Your Pocket, Handbook for Adolescent Boys, and Cardioversion. The second session featured presentations on topics such as Pre- and Post-Birth Arrangements, Alopecia, Reproductive Education for Girls, and When a Child Has Laryngitis. At the end of each session, a live discussion took place.
At the conclusion of the conference, a panel composed of academic staff Věra Vránová, PhD; Jitka Hůsková, PhD; Petr Zemánek, PhD, and the esteemed guest Kamila Slabáková, Deputy for Nursing Care at T. Bata Regional Hospital, evaluated the materials presented. The highest-rated materials were Reproductive Education for Girls, When a Child Has Laryngitis, and Scar Care After Caesarean Section.
We extend our gratitude to all FHS students who actively participated and presented their projects, to all educators, sponsors, and faculty leadership for supporting the students in organising the conference, as well as to all guests and professionals who accepted our invitation.
Text: Kateřina Štikarová, Staněk Šimon


At the Faculty of Humanities, on Tuesday, 25 April 2023, the defence of programmes took place as part of a competition organised under the project “Support for Gifted and Active Students of the Social Pedagogy Study Programme.”

This year, the project included students from the second year of the bachelor’s degree programme and a student from the first year of the follow-up master’s programme.
Most participants chose to focus on preventive programmes for the first and second level of primary schools. During the defence, they presented the content of their proposed programmes addressing risky behaviour. The committee evaluated programmes aimed at promoting mental health, preventing eating disorders, and addressing the CAN syndrome (Child Abuse and Neglect Syndrome). The students received feedback not only from academic staff who were part of the committee (doc. Prof. Jakub Hladík, Dr. Karla Hrbáčková, and Dr. Lucie Cejpek Blaštíková) but also from representatives of the applied field. The committee included Dr Zdeňka Jančíková, Headteacher of Zlín Primary School, and Mgr Iveta Kaderová, a social and outreach worker from the Kompas Union.
The committee decided to support the three best programmes with scholarships and through collaboration with the aforementioned Zlín Primary School and Kompas Union. Third place was awarded to Tereza Němcová for her programme focused on mental well-being, titled Don’t Panic, designed for Year 9 pupils. Second place went to Vanda Javorinská, whose programme Everything in Moderation, But a Little of Everything addressed eating disorders and body shaming. The winner of the competition was Šarlota Madžová, with her programme My Friend Fear, targeting Year 2 primary school pupils. It is worth commending all participants, eight students in total, who created PowerPoint presentations outlining their programmes and prepared engaging promotional leaflets.
Thanks are due to all the participating students and members of the committee. This event would not have been possible without the project support provided for gifted and active students in the Social Pedagogy study programme.
(Project “Support for Gifted and Active Students of the Social Pedagogy Study Programme: A Competition for the Best Preventive Programme in School and Extracurricular Settings” is funded through IGA-K-TRINITY.)
Text: Lucie Cejpek Blaštíková


As in every year, the Faculty of Humanities (FHS) at Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín organised a Student Scientific and Academic Activities (SVOČ) competition during the 2022/2023 academic year.

This initiative supports talented students and plays a crucial role in preparing future candidates for academic work. It helps young researchers establish their profiles, offers opportunities for self-realisation in the scientific field, and serves as excellent preparation for writing and defending bachelor’s or master’s theses. This year, students from the Institute of Health Sciences (ÚZV), the Institute of School Pedagogy (ÚŠP), and the Institute of Pedagogical Sciences (ÚPV) participated in SVOČ.
Students enrolled in the full-time Bachelor’s degree programme in General Nursing from ÚZV presented research projects focusing on healthcare issues under the guidance of Dr Anna Krátká. In the category of healthcare and non-medical fields, the following students competed: Kateřina Ančincová, with her project The Role of the Nurse Mentor in the Practice of General Nursing (opponent: Dr Jitka Hůsková), Nikol Kosková, with her project Meeting the Needs of Seniors in Residential Facilities (opponent: Mgr Sylvie Chvatíková), Aneta Smetánková, who addressed issues related to The Importance of Biographies in the Care of People with Alzheimer’s Disease (opponent: Mgr Silvie Svobodová). The competition took place on 10 May 2023 at FHS. The jury, composed of doc. Jaroslava Pavelková (SVOČ guarantor and professional guarantor of the Health and Social Care programme), Dr. Pavla Kudlová (director of ÚZV and professional guarantor of the General Nursing programme), Dr. Věra Vránová (organisational guarantor of the Midwifery programme), and Dr. Anna Krátká (academic staff member), evaluated the projects and awarded first place to the project by Kateřina Ančincová.
On 8 June 2023, SVOČ project presentations were held by five students from the Primary School Teacher Training programme of the Institute of School Pedagogy and one student from the Social Pedagogy programme of the Institute of Educational Sciences. The projects presented were of a very high standard. First place was awarded to Anna Měkutová for her project Assessment of Pupils Through the Eyes of Parents: What Did You Get in School? The student convincingly and professionally presented the results of research conducted with parents of primary school pupils. The topic provides teachers with a new perspective on their work, which is reflected in pupil assessments. Second place was awarded to Michaela Maděrová for her project Using the STEM Concept in Primary School Nature and Science Lessons. Third place was won by Michal Svoboda, a fourth-year student at Primary School Teacher Training, with his presentation on Using Comics in Nature and Science Lessons: A Pupil’s Perspective. Other successful competitors included: Gabriela Ducháčková with Paths to Literacy Through the Eyes of Younger Primary School Children, Veronika Janštová with World War II: Natives and Citizens of the Zlín Region We Must Not Forget, Andrea Maděryčová with An Analysis of Primary School Textbooks. We greatly appreciate the active and creative approach of the participants in preparing their SVOČ projects and congratulate them on their achievements. We appreciate the active and creative approach of the students to the preparation of SVOČ projects and congratulate them on their success.
Text: Jaroslava Pavelková, Barbora Petrů Puhrová

Scientific Conference for Pupils

Gifted pupils and students from primary schools and multi-year grammar schools in the Zlín Region had the unique opportunity to experience what it feels like to become a university professor for a day and give a lecture in an academic auditorium.

This exceptional event was the second Scientific Conference for Pupils, held on 26 May 2023 at the Faculty of Humanities (FHS) at Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín. Organised by the Centre for Educational Support at FHS, the conference invited young participants to present topics close to their hearts, reflecting their interest in science, technology, or the arts. Participants shared the results of their research and activities, either as individuals or as teams. Their performances were evaluated by a jury comprising faculty representatives and academic staff. The jury assessed various aspects, including the spoken delivery, the complexity of the topic, the presentation style, and, most importantly, the courage to speak before an audience filled with guests, classmates, and teachers.
The quality of the contributions exceeded the jury’s expectations, with the pupils demonstrating an exceptional understanding of their chosen topics and delivering confident presentations.
Several participants showcased handmade models that captivated the jury and the audience alike, such as a nuclear power plant, a volcano, and a LEGO universe. A tasting of homemade bread was another highlight. Many also tackled pressing issues, such as artificial intelligence, environmental challenges, natural disasters, social networks, and space exploration.

Student Conferences at the FHS

In March and April 2023, two student conferences were held at the Faculty of Humanities.

On 17 March 2023, the 8th Student Conference at the Institute of School Education took place. Final-year students of Early Childhood Education, Pre-school Pedagogy, and Primary Education once again had the opportunity to present the results of their bachelor’s and master’s theses. The students were divided into six sections, where they had the chance to discuss their findings with the academic staff of the Institute of School Education. We believe that this year, too, they received valuable advice and feedback, which they were able to incorporate into their work to prepare for the official defence during their final exams.
At the Institute of Educational Sciences, the 12th Student Conference took place on Tuesday, 18 April 2023. It was primarily intended for third-year students of the Social Pedagogy programme in full-time study. The aim was to provide final-year bachelor’s students with a platform to present their bachelor’s theses, which they would soon defend as part of their final state examinations.
The conference was officially opened at 9 am with an introductory speech by the director of the Institute of Educational Sciences, doc. Jakub Hladík, PhD. The morning plenary session began with a presentation by Jan Klokočka, Mgr., on the topic of Self-regulation in Primary School Pupils in Relation to the Level of Spirituality, followed by Vít Procházka, Mgr., with Risk Elements in Modern Video Games from the Perspective of Social Pedagogy, Nicola Stella, Bc., with Sexuality of Seniors in Nursing Homes, and Lucie Nečasová, Mgr., with Protective and Risk Factors of Resilience in Secondary Schools. The plenary session concluded with a presentation by Lucie Trubáková, Mgr., on Determinants of Academic Success in Students of Helping Professions.
In the afternoon, the sessions continued in five sections led by the academic staff of the Institute of Educational Sciences Here, students presented their bachelor’s thesis projects. Discussions followed on the individual topics, providing all presenters with constructive feedback. The bachelor’s thesis projects were of high quality.
The conference was also attended by spectators, including students from lower years, students from the follow-up master’s programme, as well as faculty academics and members of the public.
Text: Eliška Suchánková, Zuzana Hrnčiříková

Nurse 2022 – Where Are You Heading, Czech Nurse?

The professional conference with international participation, NURSE 2022 – Where Are You Heading, Czech Nurse?, held on 10 October 2022 in Zlín, was the result of collaboration between the Association of University-Educated Nurses (SVVS) and the Institute of Health Sciences at the Faculty of Humanities, Tomás Baťa University in Zlín (ÚZV FHS UTB in Zlín).

The conference was designed for non-medical healthcare professionals, particularly general nurses, nursing students, healthcare educators training future nurses, nursing management, and anyone interested in the education and professional opportunities of nurses not only in the Czech Republic but also in Poland, Slovakia, and potentially Austria.
The aim of the conference was to introduce the professional community to topics primarily focused on the education and competencies of general nurses, as well as related subjects (e.g., qualification and specialisation training for nurses, the future and vision of nursing organisations, the role of nurses in the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, and clinical practice for non-medical professionals).
The opening segment of the conference featured prominent speakers, including Mgr. Alice Strnadová, MBA, Chief Nurse of the Czech Republic and Director of the Nursing and Non-Medical Professions Department at the Ministry of Health; plk. Mgr. Lucie Jarešová, Chief Nurse of the Ministry of Defence; and PhDr. Martina Šochmanová, MBA, President of the Czech Association of Nurses.
A touring photography exhibition by Prof. Mgr. Jindřich Štreit, Dr.h.c., titled Nursing Now, was also part of the conference and was displayed in the foyer of the FHS building.
We extend our thanks to colleagues from the Institute of Health Sciences for organising this significant event.
Text: Pavla Kudlová

Student Conference of the Institute of Health Sciences

On 24 November 2022, the Faculty of Humanities hosted a professional conference focused on the development of educational materials for both professional and general audiences.

The conference was organised by students of healthcare study programmes under the expert guidance of PhDr. Pavla Kudlová, Ph.D., Director of the Institute of Healthcare Sciences.
As part of the courses Health Literacy and Pedagogy and Education in Nursing, students created educational materials aimed at patients and professionals. The conference aimed to enhance the students’ presentation skills and provide them with an opportunity to share their experiences in developing healthcare-focused educational materials. A valuable aspect was the feedback received from both educators and field professionals. Some of the best outputs, already attracting interest from healthcare institutions, will be further refined for potential practical use.
The conference ran from 12:00 to 15:00 and was divided into two blocks: In the first block, projects focused on healthcare practice were presented: Fraxiparine: Information for use in home care, Preoperative care in diabetic patients,
Obstructive sleep apnoea, Colonoscopy, HPV virus: Why get vaccinated.
The second block featured five educational materials: Health Insurance Benefits, Excessive Caffeine Use, Watch Your Signs!, Eating Disorders, Pull-ups for Medical School Students.
Following both presentation blocks, an extensive discussion allowed participants to ask questions and offer suggestions to the presenting groups.
At the conference’s conclusion, a judging panel composed of academic staff PhDr. Pavla Kudlová, Ph.D.; Mgr. Jitka Hůsková, Ph.D.; Mgr. Petr Zemánek, Ph.D.; and Mgr. Marcela Dolejšová selected the best materials.
The top award went to the project “Fraxiparine: Information for Home Care Use”. Why get vaccinated and Benefits of health insurance companies.
We would like to thank all the students who actively participated and presented their projects, all the teachers and faculty management who supported the students in organizing the conference and all the guests and experts from practice who accepted our invitation.
Text: Kateřina Tvarůžková, Staněk Šimon (students)

Finalist Falling Walls Lab Czech

PhDr. Lenka Venterová, Ph.D., from the Institute of Educational Sciences, achieved great success in the prestigious international competition Falling Walls Lab Czech Republic, advancing to the final selection of the 15 best topics.

Although she did not win the final round or proceed to the global competition in Berlin, it is a significant achievement that her topic, Breaking the Wall of Virtual Reality in Teacher’s Education – reflecting her involvement with a non-profit organisation where she gathers data for further research at FHS – was the only humanities-focused topic to reach the finals. Dr. Venterová competed against researchers from CTU in Prague and BUT in Brno, who formed the majority of participants. Falling Walls is a prestigious competition for students, young scientists, innovators, and aspiring entrepreneurs. Its aim is to connect promising scientists and entrepreneurs globally, showcasing exceptional ideas and unique projects from all areas of science that literally break down walls and barriers. Participants present their projects to an audience and expert jury in a three-minute presentation in English, with the goal of convincing the jury of the significance of their research, business plan, or civic initiative.

Prestigious award for colleagues from the Institute School Pedagogy

Future Teachers in Action: A Lifeline for Schools and Families – this is the title of the project that won the EDUína 2021 Award, standing out among a total of 43 submitted projects. Since 2010, this prestigious award has been granted by EDUin, an organisation active in the field of education, focusing on research, quality of education, and supporting education professionals. The theme for 2021 was specific, narrowing its focus to reflect on the impact of the pandemic on education. This became the key aspect of the project led by colleagues from the Institute of School Pedagogy (ÚŠP). The project involved future teachers – students from teaching programmes at FHS – in a “rescue mission” to support families and schools following the transition to remote learning. The goal of the project was to develop a systematic way to assist children and families who, even under normal circumstances, experience academic difficulties.

The project serves as an example of intensive collaboration between student teachers, under expert supervision at the faculty in Zlín, selected nursery and primary schools in the city, and city representatives with an interest in the state and support of education under extraordinary conditions. The project also had a positive impact on ÚŠP students, providing them with valuable experience in teacher preparation, as well as unique insights from working individually with children both in schools and within families. Representatives of ÚŠP, prof. PaedDr. Adriana Wiegerová, Ph.D., and Mgr. et Mgr. Viktor Pacholík, Ph.D., accepted the prestigious award during the ceremony on 1 December 2021.

Scientists’ Night with contribution of FHS

The Night of Scientists in 2021 took place in person at Zlín Castle on 24 September, with the main theme being “time.” After the involvement of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures the previous year, the baton for the FHS was passed to the Centre for Language Education, which represented the faculty with two activities.

The Tea at Five event, led by the team of lecturers, was aimed at families with children, primary school pupils, and secondary school students as part of a programme focused on fun English language learning. Visitors, who were served black tea with milk and biscuits, could sit down, relax, chat, or read an English book. This concept of British afternoon tea was highly successful and seamlessly fit into the programme’s TIME theme. As part of a series of lectures on the same theme, following the Japanese PechaKucha format (where each slide of a PowerPoint presentation is allotted a specific time limit – in this case, just 30 seconds), Mgr. Petra Hanáčková presented her talk, “In Search of the Meaning of Being: The Little Prince, a Traveller Through the Space-Time of Humanity.”

Student Conferences

Student conferences offer third-year students a unique opportunity to practise defending their final thesis in a low-pressure environment and receive valuable feedback on the overall structure of their work. These events also provide an excellent opportunity for younger students to learn about what awaits them in their final year of studies.

On 24th March 2022, the Department of School Pedagogy held its sixth annual Student Conference. A total of 119 students from the Early Childhood Education and Primary School Education programmes presented their bachelor’s and master’s theses. The conference ran for nearly seven hours across seven parallel sections, each chaired by academic staff members.
On 12th April 2022, the Department of Educational Sciences hosted its 11th annual Student Conference. The programme included a morning plenary session followed by afternoon section discussions. In the joint morning session, two graduates of Social Pedagogy shared their experiences with the implementation of research and the creation of their final thesis. They also offered practical tips and recommendations to help current students navigate the process. The afternoon was divided into four sections, led by academic staff from the Department. In the sessions of both institutes, students presented their bachelor’s or master’s thesis projects and discussed with teachers, from whom they received feedback. The discussions in the sections were in the spirit of constructive criticism and lively debate.

The concept of education for the Alpha Generation using exploratory learning principles in kindergarten

In 2019 and 2020, the Institute of School Pedagogy was working on an interesting project that was created with the support of the Czech Technology Agency, specifically the ÉTA Programme. The project Concept of Education for the Alpha Generation with the use of exploratory principles of learning in kindergarten, as its name implies, reflected on the issue of exploration of preschool children (in the terminology of the project, children of the Alpha Generation).

The main goal of the project was to prepare a concept of preschool education using research principles of children’s learning in kindergarten. The project team consisted of doc. PaedDr. Jana Majerčíková, PhD., doc. PaedDr. Adriana Wiegerová, PhD., prof. PhDr. Peter Gavora, CSc., PhDr. Hana Navrátilová, Ph.D. and PhDr. Petra Trávníčková.
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic is the “flagship” of support for applied research in the Czech Republic, therefore the format of the call, within which the project was supported, included the obligation to cooperate with the application sponsors. These were institutions that were primarily interested in the planned results of the project, then participated in their creation (with regard to their applicability in practice) and finally participated and still participate in their implementation in practice. In the case of this project, these were two faculty kindergartens – the Kindergarten Otrokovice and the University Kindergarten Qočna.
The call of the ÉTA programme was aimed at supporting projects that would involve social sciences and humanities in research, development and innovation contributing to maintaining and improving the quality of human life and responding to dynamic social changes. Today we refer to these as the Industrial Revolution
Industry 4.0, in which we are clarifying World 4.0 and Education 4.0. The project worked with two key concepts: research-oriented education and the concept of cultural generations, specifically the Alpha Generation. Through their lens, the aforementioned transformations of Industry 4.0 were identified, clarified, and further explored. It also suggested applications to support the idea that early childhood education cannot be excluded from considerations of where to aim and how to model Education 4.0.

Conference “Family – Health – Illness” at FHS

The “Family – Health – Illness” conference took place via videoconference on the rescheduled date of 19 November 2020. The conference, traditionally organised by the Institute of Health Sciences, was intended primarily for general, practical, and paediatric nurses, midwives, health and social care workers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, students, and educators working in non-medical healthcare fields.

As part of the virtual meeting, there was also a travelling exhibition of photographs by the world-renowned photographer Prof. Jindřich Štreit, titled “Nursing Now”. The photographs were displayed in the foyer of U18 as a tribute to the demanding profession of nursing. The travelling exhibition was made possible by the Association of University-Educated Nurses and represents the main Czech contribution to this global campaign. The faculty greatly appreciates that its premises could be part of this exhibition.

Faculties and departments
