Tomas Bata University in Zlín

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Life with Disabilities: Analysis of Social, Educational, and Reproductive Needs of Individuals with Disabilities

The key research theme of CV FHS is the examination of the life situations of individuals with disabilities, whose disadvantages due to health conditions or unfavorable life circumstances hinder the fulfillment of their social, educational, and other needs on an equal basis with others. Specific attention is given to a triad of topics that currently resonate in both domestic and international discourse on disability: (1) Partnership and reproductive needs of individuals with disabilities, (2) Social aspects of inclusive education, and (3) Impact of social services on the quality of life of individuals with disabilities. Within this research program, CV FHS contributes to the development of current themes related to the quality of life of individuals with disabilities, both in a national and international context.

In recent years, the following contributions have been published within the scope of this research topic:

  • Hanková, M., & Sampey, D. P. (2024). “Mom’s a bit different”: The challenges of first-time mothers with cerebral palsy in caring for their children from birth until age three. Women’s Studies International Forum, 106(2024), 102968.
  • Hanková, M., & Kalenda, S. (2022). Social inclusion into mainstream classes: Voices of high school students with congenital physical disabilities. Issues in Educational Research, 32(3), 960-981.
  • Hanková, M. (2022). Teacher’s Pedagogical Approach in the Class: The Voices of Students with Physical Disabilities. Sodobna Pedagogika – Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies, 73(139), 116-132.
  • Hanková, M., Kalenda, S., & Beadle-Brown, J. (2021). Personal assistance as a support of quality of life of people with disabilities. In: J. Šiška, & Beadle-Brown, J. et al. The development, conceptualisation and implementation of quality in disability support services (pp. 205 – 221). Karolinum Press
  • Hanková, M., & Vávrová, S. (2017). Sociální potřeby středoškoláků s vrozeným tělesným postižením: opomíjený aspekt edukační praxe. Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně.
  • Hanková, M., & Vávrová, S. (2016). Partnerské vztahy očima mladých dospělých s vrozeným tělesným postižením. Grada.
  • Hanková, M., & Vávrová, S. (2016). Partner Relationships and Family Life through the Prism of Young Adults with Physical Disabilities. Czech and Slovak Social Work, 1(16), 4-15.

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