Lifelong Learning Participation and Adult Learning Systems
This research programme focuses on (1) factors that impact adult participation in lifelong learning and (2) the global transformation of adult learning systems. Within this research programme, RC FoH stands as one of Europe’s most innovative research centres, leading the development of new theoretical approaches and research instruments.
In recent years, the team has published, for instance:
- Vaculíková, J., Kalenda, J. & Kočvarová, I. (2024). Participation in non-formal adult education within the European context: Examining multilayer approach. Frontiers in Education, 9. Retrieved July 18, 2024, from
- Kalenda, J., Vaculíková, J. & Kočvarová, I. (2024). Gender inequality in adult education: a comparative study of four adult learning systems. Cogent Education, 11(1).
- Karger, T., Kalenda, J., Vaculíková, J. & Kočvarová, I. (2024). Online learning platforms and resources in adult education and training: new findings from four European countries. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 43(4), 417–431.
- Vaculíková, J., Kočvarová, I. & Kalenda, J. (2023). Cross-national Validation of the Nonparticipation in Nonformal Education Questionnaire: Findings from Adults from Sweden, Germany, United Kingdom, and the Czech Republic. Cogent Education, 10:1,
- Kalenda, J. Boeren E. & Kočvarová, I. (2023). Exploring attitudes towards adult learning and education: group patterns among participants and non-participants, Studies in Continuing Education, DOI: 1080/0158037X.2023.2199201
- Kalenda, J. (2023). Participation in Non-formal Adult Education in
the Czech Republic from 1997 to 2020. In: Schemman, M (Ed.). Internationales Jahrbuch der Erwachsenenbildung/International Yearbook of Adult Education 2023 (pp. 115–138). Bielefeld: wbv - Vaculíková, J.; Kočvarová, I.; Kalenda, J.; Neupauer Z.; Cvijetić Vukčević M.; Włoch A. (2022). Factor Structure of the Self-Regulation Questionnaire among adult learners from Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 35 (1), 1–11.
- Kalenda, J., Gojová, A. & Kalenda, S. (2022). Deindustrialization, Liberalization and Welfare State in the Czech Republic: Unequal Contest. In Baikady R., Sajid S., Przeperski J., Nadesan V., Islam M.R., Gao J. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Kalenda, J. & Kočvarová, I. (2022). Enduring inequality: long-term trends and factors in participation in adult education and learning among older adults,Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, DOI:
- Kalenda, J., Kočvarová, I., & Vaculíková, J. (2022). Barriers to Participation of Low-educated Workers in Non-formal Education. Journal of Education and Work. Pre-published, 1-16.
- Karger, T., Kalenda, J., Kalenda, S. & Kroutilová Nováková, r. (2022). How Disadvantaged Groups Legitimize Non-participation in Adult Education and Training: The Situational Logic of Decision-Making. International Journal of Lifelong Education.
- Kalenda, J. & Kočvarová, I. (2022). Why do they not participate? Reasons for non-participation in adult learning and education from the viewpoint of self-determination theory. (RELA) Journal of European Research of Learning and Education of Adults. Pre-published, 1-16.
- Kalenda, J. & Kočvarová, I. (2022). Participation in non-formal education in risk society. International Journal of Lifelong Education. 41 (2), 146-167.
- Kočvarová, I., Vaculíková, J. & Kalenda, J. (2021). Development and Initial Validation of the Cognitive and Non-cognitive Factors of Non-participation in Non-formal Adult Education Questionnaire. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. Pre-published, 1–16.
- Vaculíková, J., Kalenda, J., & Kočvarová, I. (2021). Hidden gender differences in formal and non-formal adult education. Studies in Continuing Education. 43 (1), 33-47.
- Kalenda, J. (2021) Tři vlny: vývoj teorií účasti dospělých ve vzdělávání. Studia paedagogica, 26(1), 91–124.
- Kalenda, J. & Kočvarová, I. (2021). Od mimoprofesní seberealizace k nezbytnosti pracovně orientovaného vzdělávání: Proměna motivace k neformálnímu vzdělávání dospělých v ČR. Sociologický časopis, 57 (1), 75–100. [
- Kalenda, J., Kočvarová, I., & Vaculíková, J. (2020). Determinants of Participation in Non-formal Education in the Czech Republic. Adult Education Quarterly, 70(2), 99–118.
- Gavora, P., Vaculíková, J., Kalenda, J., Kálmán, O., Gombos, P., Świgost, M., & Bontová, A. (2020). Comparing metacognitive reading strategies among university students from Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Journal of Further and Higher Education 44(7), 896–910.